Year-End Resources

2024 Year-End Guide

Download the full play-by play guide for all you need to have a successful year-end and avoid unnecessary fees and penalties.

2024 Year-End Checklist

Download or printable the one-page checklist to make sure you hit all of your deadlines.

Year-End FAQs

See our most frequently asked questions for year-end, including how to find information in isolved and access W-2s.

Bank Closures & PremierNow Holidays

November 2024

If your check date is... Payroll is due...
Friday, 11/29
Tuesday, 11/26

December 2024 – January 2025

If your check date is... Payroll is due...
Wednesday, 12/25 (moved to Tuesday, 12/24)
Friday, 12/20
Thursday, 12/26
Monday, 12/23
Friday, 12/27
Tuesday, 12/24 by 11 AM
Monday, 12/30
Thursday, 12/26
Tuesday, 12/31
Friday, 12/27
Wednesday, 1/1 (moved to Tuesday, 12/31)
Friday, 12/27
Thursday, 1/2
Monday, 12/30
Friday, 1/3
Tuesday, 12/31

Planning for 2025

Submit changes with these forms by December 13, 2024.

Retirement Plan Changes/Additions

If you are adding an employee-sponsored retirement plan in the new year, submit a form to PremierNow by December 13, 2024 to avoid expediting charges. 

Time/PTO Changes/Additions

If you have PTO/Time related changes for the new year, submit a form to PremierNow for programming by December 13, 2024 to avoid expediting charges.

W-2s and 1099 Resources

Report necessary information to PremierNow.


Report any necessary information to PremierNow by 12/13.

Employers will receive printed sealed employee W-2 forms for all employees unless the employee has elected to receive it electronically.  Going paperless is easy and is once-and-done!


Clients who have us prepare 1099s outside of their payroll must submit the information to us by 1/15/2025. Templates can be found here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I find the Employee W-2 Verification Report?

This report is available in your latest payroll reports under REPORTING >  CLIENT REPORTS >  select  EMPLOYEE W-2 VERIFICATION report  >  click GENERATE REPORT in black action bar.  Then click GO TO MY REPORTS QUEUE > click VIEW REPORT (if VIEW REPORT is not there click REFRESH).

How do I terminate an employee?

Watch the tutorial video here.

We recommend waiting until after an employee has received their last pay to terminate them in isolved.
Under EE MANAGEMENT > EE MAINTENANCE > GENERAL > click TERMINATE (on the Black action bar) and a new screen will appear that defaults to deleting future absences, including PTO. You also have the option to stop their Direct Deposit and 401K.

If PTO is requested and tracked in the system, be sure to check off to DELETE FUTURE ABSENCES (PTO requests) on the calendar as they will flow into payroll if left unchecked even if the employee is terminated. This is part of the termination process.

What other reports might be useful at year-end?


  • Employee W-2 Preview – This report is scheduled to generate with the last payroll of the year. You may also run it on demand. It displays all of the W-2 data by box code in a consolidated report format. Please review and report any necessary corrections.
  • QTD Register– Shows quarterly totals including taxable wages by employee. May be sorted by groups such as department
  • YTD Register – This report shows year to date totals including taxable wages by employee. It may be sorted by groups such as department
  • Quarterly Wage Report – This report shows quarterly taxable wages and tax by employee in a consolidated format


  • Quarterly Tax Filings – Clients can find copies of quarterly returns that PremierNow files on your behalf each quarter.


  • W-2/1099 Copies – Here, employers can access and print copies of W-2s and 1099s and can filter results based on specific year they are looking for.

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Where can I go to view or print electronic copies of W-2s?

Employers will receive printed sealed employee W-2 Forms for all employees unless the employee has elected to receive it electronically.

Online Employee Self Service Forms will automatically be released in early Jan.

Your employer copies are stored online Reporting > Year End Report Archive

Should an employee need another copy of their W-2, online users can reprint it at Employee Self Service > W-2/ACA/1099 Forms.

How do I access W-2s for terminated employees?

In order to see information for employees with a terminated or inactive status, navigate to EMPLOYEE SELF SERVICE > W2/ACA/1099 FORMS. 

  1. On the employee list, click on the funnel icon next to the STATUS column header.
  2. Click SELECT ALL, then click OK – this will show you all employees listed in the system, regardless of their status.  

How do I correct an employee's SSN?

With year-end approaching, it is important to verify W2 information including social security numbers. Did you know that the IRS may penalize employers up to $50 per incorrect SSN on W-2s?

To update an employee’s SSN, you’ll go to EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT > EMPLOYEE MAINTENANCE > GENERAL and first select from the drop down for ID TYPE: SSN.

It will then open up the field for UPDATE SSN and you can enter in the correct ID and click SAVE in the black action bar at the top of the GENERAL screen.

Why does the page look like it is still loading when I try to view a document?

The document will be in your downloads folder.   The screen may look like it is still loading, but the form is actually already downloaded.

Common W-2 Questions from Employees (and how to answer)

"My SSN is wrong on my W-2!"

PremierNow sent an email to all clients in November regarding the SSN Verification report in isolved to correct any incorrect SSNs before processing W-2s. For those not corrected, you can do the following to avoid the $30 Correction fee after 1/17:

  • Notify PremierNow before 1/17 so we can correct it in our system before transmitting to SSA/IRS (no fee to correct before 1/17)
  • Employee can white-out the incorrect SSN number and enter his/her correct SSN on existing copy of the W-2 (replacement is not needed)
  • Enter the correct SSN online so the system is updated for this year. Go to EE MGT > EE Maintenance > GENERAL > Under PERSONAL INFORMATION, you cannot see the current SSN so select ID TYPE: SSN > enter correct SSN in UPDATE SSN field > SAVE
"My address is wrong on my W-2!"

W-2s do NOT need to be reprinted [$20 reprint fee] because the controlling address is the address on the Tax Return, not the W-2. Employee can white-out and enter correct address on existing W-2 and update in the payroll system if needed.

"My withholding is wrong on my W-2!"

Employees receive a check stub every pay period so they can verify their Filing Status, Taxes, and Deductions. Past Withholding can NOT be changed. Employers should update the filing status online for the remainder of this year at EE MGT > EE PAY > TAX INFO. Remind employees it is their responsibility to review their pay stubs during the year!

"My gross wages are wrong on my W-2!"

Employees with Pre-Tax deductions [Sec 125 Health plans, HSA, FLEX, 401K, Simple/IRA] will see different amounts for total wages.

  • Box 1 is for FEDERAL TAXABLE WAGES = Gross wages minus 401K and Simple/IRA contributions minus amount of the pre-tax health & flexible spending deductions
  • Box 5 is for GROSS WAGES = Gross Wages minus the amount of the pre-tax health & flexible spending deductions [the purpose of the Pre-tax deduction is to reduce the amount of Gross Wages that is taxed]. If you have 401K/Simple/IRA, Box 1 and Box 5 will have different amounts to reflect those contributions
"I lost my W-2!"

If you have Employee Self Service for your employees to view/print their pay stubs, they can print/reprint their own W-2 copy on plain paper [this is accepted by the IRS] using the same login they use to view Pay Stubs….OR…you can reprint under REPORTING > YEAR END REPORT ARCHIVE > W-2 PRESSURE SEAL > VIEW REPORT > select EE.  This will save you reprint fees!

Otherwise, PremierNow can reprint [$20] / email [$15] a copy to the employee [you have the option to charge the employee that fee as a Misc Deduction].

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